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2022 Agriculture Marketing Trends | The Communications Group

Written by Carson Horn, APR, Public Relations Director | March 25, 2022

The marketing landscape for agribusinesses continues to evolve with new technologies, industry dynamics and changes in consumer attitudes and behaviors. As these changes occur, so should your marketing strategy.

With decades of experience in agricultural marketing, The Communications Group has released our 2022 Ag Marketing Trends report. The report is based on research and observations leading into 2022 and factors growth, popularity and level of success earned regarding various projects, programs and activities managed on behalf of our clients and the industry.

This report highlights the top 10 trends we anticipate to have the most significant impact on agribusinesses this year:

  1. Increased Customer Focus.
    Customers should be your top priority. Focus on their needs and put their best interests first.

  2. Modernization.
    Due to the expansion of digital capabilities and social platforms, you have a greater opportunity to connect with your audiences. Utilizing modern channels might be more effective than traditional channels.

  3. Data-based Decision Making.
    Collecting data is easier than ever with new, user-friendly analytic tools, but properly analyzing data can be difficult. Therefore, an increase of businesses are turning to experts to help interpret data and advise in decision-making. 

  4. Visual Branding
    As the marketplace becomes more competitive and visually oriented, so should your brand. High-quality logos and collateral materials will increase brand recognition to effectively reach audiences.

  5. Selective Audience Building
    If your marketing program isn’t getting the results you want, it might be time to reevaluate your audience. Know who you’re speaking to, how you’re speaking to them, where you are speaking to them, and what you’re saying.

  6. Intentional Communication
    Define your marketing goals and evaluate if you are clearly communicating them. Check to see if the messages in your marketing materials align with the goals and are cohesive and meaningful.

  7. Multichannel Marketing
    Different audiences resonate with different mediums. Confining your marketing to one channel could cause you to miss opportunities. Research your audiences and determine where they consume media.

  8. Content Consistency
    Publish content with consistent quality and frequency without posting too often. Create a schedule that’s feasible to maintain.

  9. Thought Leadership
    Strategically position your business to stand out in the marketplace. When your authority is recognized, you can have a greater influence on your audience.

  10. Strategic Partnerships
    Partnering with organizations with similar interests can give you exposure to each other’s established communities. Before creating a partnership, use caution and utilize a third-party consultant to identify organizations with the potential to be quality partners.

To learn more, read the full 2022 Ag Marketing Trend Report. Contact us to see how we can help you.