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Super Blog LV - How to Win the Game by Playing to Your Strengths | The Communications Group

Written by ComGroup | January 14, 2021

You don’t send in a linebacker to make a winning kick. Any football fan will tell you that. That’s what special teams is for, right. Like all teams, every member has a job, something they’re good at. It’s a play we know all too well at The Communications Group. For more than 30 years, we’ve thrived in business because we understand that each of our teammates has what we like to refer to as their “unique abilities.” By letting our players do what they do best, we as a team continue to score touchdowns…so to speak.

Now, when you work with as many cool clients as we do, it makes this game all the more fun! Take The Broyles Award for instance. We’ve been honored to support this premiere coaching award since the beginning. For the last quarter-century, we’ve provided award founder and radio personality, David Bazzel, and more recently the Broyles Family and their team at the Broyles Foundation, with our expertise in communications and public relations to help promote this annual showcase of some of college football’s most incredible and deserving talent. In fact, we were so excited to help celebrate with the Broyles team in 2020, which marked the 25th Anniversary of the award.

What’s been so amazing about our involvement as an agency throughout this process though, is having been witness to the remarkable growth and success of the award over the years. To have been even a small part of that success is something we cherish at ComGroup. As with all our clients, seeing our partners succeed is why we do what we do. It’s why the Broyles Award and ComGroup make such a great team.

When it comes to carrying on the legacy of Coach Broyles and putting on one amazing show, you can’t find anyone better than the Broyles team. Likewise, if you need the best strategic communications support, we’re there just waiting to be put in the game.