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The Future of Public Relations

Written by Brooklyn Johnson | July 12, 2022

The world of public relations is constantly changing. We should never assume what the future will hold, but we can attempt to predict what may occur.

Factors that Play into the Future

Many factors have helped shape public relations into what it is today. Those factors, such as culture, technology, economics, and government will continue shaping public relations in the future. Those who study futurology, the attempt to explore predictions about the future and how they can emerge for the present, have predicted where public relations is going. These predictions include frictionless marketing, social media platforms creating micro-niche audiences, more social regulations, and much more.

Upcoming PR Trends

Technology is influential and creates trends for public relations professionals to be on the lookout for. Upcoming possible trends involve Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics in the workplace. These trends will require less work from people in the workforce and will create more reliance on programs. Like the hybrid workplace, where employees will work both on-site and remotely.

Another trend to keep an eye on is changes in audience demographics. The population is aging while becoming more diverse, urbanized, less religious, and choosing not to marry. These things will impact how public relations professionals communicate messages.

How to Navigate the Future of PR

With the future being uncertain, it can be challenging to know what steps to take. By remaining truthful, creative in writing, and thinking like a futurist, we can guide our vision for public relations in the right direction. As public relations professionals continue to evolve as storytellers, it’s important to remember how impact stories and using multimedia channels will reach a broad audience now and in the future.


Not sure where to go with your public relations strategy? The Communications Group can help. Contact us to see how we can help your organization's PR success!

Huddle Up is a blog series from The Communications Group based on presentations from our bi-weekly Huddle meeting. During this meeting, our account services team gathers to continue learning about professionalism and trends in our industry, so we can continue providing our clients with the best and most relevant work.