COVID-19 and Mental Health

1 Minute Read

During the COVID-19 pandemic, focus, clarity and simplicity have been the driving elements for our agency in working from home. In addition to the crisis communications client work, we decided to share some of our observations through this web series: COVID-19: From Crisis to Recovery.

This is the third installment of our COVID-19: From Crisis to Recovery message (part-one here part-two here).

If you have any questions, please reach out to our agency president and founder at

Are you taking care of yourself?

For this week's feature, we decided to ask our team what pointers they've adopted since leaving the office. We know being a parent, while living in a pandemic, while having to work from home isn't the kindest situation for one's mental health. If you want to read more about this subject, just scroll down where we included a Medical News Today article.

Our Staff PicksWhite woman reading on the couch with coffee

    • Create a morning routine

    • Take a walk every 90 minutes

    • Make sure your kids stay on a calendar / planner

    • Establish an activity to unplug from work

    • Adopt a puppy

    • Start cooking that Italian dish you've been eyeing

    • Be kind to yourself

One of the time-honored sayings in our industry is that your most valuable asset leaves on the elevator at the end of every day. In our marketing, public relations and messaging work, we stress that employees are the single most important audience that a company has.  They become a prioritized target audience for our messaging and in turn can become one of the client’s greatest brand champions. 

The care of your employees in this high stress environment is more important than ever.

This Medical News Today article is an excellent resource to pass along.

Dan Cowling, MA, Founder & CEO

Dan Cowling, MA, Founder & CEO

Dan specializes in training, personal development, marketing strategy and program concepts.
